Gary Jay’s Business Coaching:
Solutions That Really Work
An Investment In Your Business’s Future
Get More Pleasure, Satisfaction & Financial Success
Business Coaching
How to get, hold onto & Enjoy:
More Success In Your Business
Solutions That Stop Your Business From Working Against Itself:
Too many people are unnecessarily suffering in their business. Some personally struggle physically and mentally from the stress. Others are stuck in unfulfilling relationships to employees and/or customer/clients, and some are burdened with financial challenges. There are people who have achieved many of their business goals. However, for many it is not enough to just get what you want. Many can get what they want out of their business, and still experience pain and suffering because they can’t hold onto it. Then there are those who get what they want, can hold onto it, but they continue to suffer because they can’t enjoy it. And then there are those who live in pain and suffering as they struggle to even achieve their business goals. The solution to stop your business from working against itself is to uncover your business’s hidden roadblocks.
The Hidden Roadblocks:
Think of your business represented by a house. In the living room of this house, one of the walls keeps getting saturated with water. So we do all different things to deal with the struggle. We dry the wall with fans, repaint the wall, blame the wet wall on rain coming in from the window, and even push the problem out of our thoughts. However, no matter what we did, including looking from the outside of the house, we just couldn’t find where the leak was coming from. There was a hidden roadblock. The leak was coming from a part of the roof on the other side of the house; very far from the troubled wall. To get, hold onto, and enjoy what you want in your business, we need to uncover, understand, and remove or get around the hidden roadblocks within your business. Working From the Inside Out: Gary Jay’s Business Coaching will help to discover the hidden roadblocks, and provide the solutions to take your business from where it is now, to where you want it to be.
Business Coaching with Gary Jay: The Benefits
It’s not enough to motivate, you need to inspire. You do that by sharing your struggles and how you overcame them. Let the people connect to you and be inspired. This is what Gary Jay has been doing and perfecting for over forty years; personally and professionally. Gary had to learn how to identify and work through the very roadblocks you are going through to get, hold onto, and enjoy more pleasure, satisfaction and success in your business. Gary Jay has not only achieved incredible results in his life, but has been professionally committed to helping with more than 20,000 logged coaching/counseling hours. The benefits of coaching with Gary Jay include:
Increase Sales & Revenue
Bringing in more money is one of the top three motivating forces why business owners coach with Gary Jay. Together, you will uncover and remove the hidden roadblocks to maximize your business’s customer/client satisfaction, sales/marketing efficiency, and reduce operation costs that contribute to your bottom line.
Effective Leadership
The culture of a business, whether two employees or a thousand, is only as healthy as the people in charge. Effective leadership can be likened to the role of the parent. Business leaders must have the capacity to model and help the employees to maximize their performance, provide appropriate interventions when necessary and maintain appropriate boundaries. Gary Jay helps you make the small adjustments that make the biggest difference.
Maintaining A Competitive Edge
In this global business world things are always changing. Business owners need to make sure they are positioned to continuously maintain a competitive edge on the competition. One of the most important benefits of business coaching with Gary Jay is the development of your competitive business goals, action plans, and the persistent implementation and assessment of your progress. These tools and strategies are essential for the life line of your business.
Building A Winning Team
Your business is only as strong as its weakest link. Employee turnover and hiring the wrong person for the job can damage your business’s reputation, cost you big dollars, and even destroy your business. Coaching with Gary Jay provides you with the HR expertise to enhance your leadership skills from the inside-out while expanding the quality and productivity of satisfied employees.
Why Business Coaching?
Did you ever wonder why the greatest professional athletes, actors, musicians, and corporate executives earning millions and millions of dollars have coaches? These gifted people are the best in what they do. They stand the test of time, and yet they work with coaches, directors, and trainers. To get, hold onto & enjoy your business goals you need to remove the hidden roadblocks. The important roadblocks that need to be removed are the ones that you cannot see. The ones that are out of your awareness. The business coaches who have the skills and the experience can quickly identify the many things that you cannot see on your own.
“It’s the small adjustments
made by uncovering the hidden roadblocks that often
make the biggest difference.”
Business Coaching: Where Do I Fit In?
Gary Jay’s Business Coaching will help you to discover the hidden roadblocks, and provide the solutions to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be.
The three main business categories:
Group 1: Before/Looking (The Start Up Business)
Are you interested in launching a new business, or buying an existing one? Business coaching with Gary Jay addresses both your business goals and your personal relationship to the new business venture. He will assist you to develop tools and strategies to set clear and meaningful goals, develop a reality based strong action plan, remove the roadblocks to maintain persistent action, and provide the necessary assessments to maximize success.
Group 2: In A Business (The Existing Business)
Are you interested in taking your business to the next level, struggling with the business, or feel at times you want to end the business? Business coaching with Gary Jay will explore your business and your relationship to it. Together you and Gary Jay will develop tools and strategies to increase sales and revenue, strengthen effective leadership, build a winning team, maintain a competitive edge on the competition, and sometime simply make your connection to your business more pleasurable, and satisfying.
Group 3: The Transition Of A Business (Selling a Business)
Are you thinking about selling or productively ending your business? Gary Jay will explore your business and your relationship to it. Together you will develop tools and strategies to work through the transition of liquidation and/or sale of the business.
Which Business Group Do You Belong To?
Are You Ready To Talk?
Business Coaching (For Existing Businesses):
Is It For Me?
Group 1: My Business Is In Crisis
This group represents the medical equivalent of a person who just had as health crisis, a heart attack, and the doctor’s treatment plan is a strict diet and exercise. There are businesses who work with Gary Jay because their business is in some kind of crisis and they really need help to survive.
Group 2: My Business Is Doing Okay In Life, I Just Want More Out Of My Business And I Feel Stuck
This group represents the equivalent of a person who might go to the gym to feel better. The business is doing okay, and the owner wants something more or to improve their business. However, they are struggling to get, hold onto, and enjoy what they desire.
Group 3: My Business Is Doing Great And Want To Maintain The Edge
This group represents the equivalent of a person who is at the top of their game in life. They have achieved how to get, hold onto, and enjoy more pleasure, satisfaction and success in their business. However, they realize that life is not static and things constantly change. These people want to maintain the business edge and coach to make sure there are no new hidden roadblocks or the return of older ones that could knock them off the edge.