Body, Energy & Health
How to get, hold onto & Enjoy:
the body, the energy & the health that you always wanted
Wellness Coaching: What Do We Achieve?
Throughout the years I have connected with a large number of men, women and children of all ages, and while working with them I noticed something quite striking. People of all ages, young, middle age, and senior, very often have these self-imposed restrictions as to what they believe they can and can’t do. Sometimes these restrictions were known, and many times they were hidden roadblocks. I want to share with you that if you are one of these people who say I’m too old for this, I don’t have the energy, I’m not the way I was when I was younger, I’m young but it’s my genetics, it’s just the way my body is, I want to let you know something that’s very exciting; it’s not necessarily true.
Wellness Coaching: Where Do I Fit In?
the three main wellness categories
Group 1: Get That Body
Are you interested in changing the shape of your body including losing weight, gaining weight, sculpturing your muscle tone, cosmetic and or weight loss surgery? Wellness coaching with Gary Jay addresses both your relationship to your body image and your goals. Together, you and Gary Jay will develop tools and strategies to set clear and meaningful goals, discover and work through your hidden roadblocks that have been preventing you from moving closer to getting, holding onto and enjoying your body.
Group 2: Get The Energy
Are you looking for more stamina, and or a stronger body? For the majority of the population this is an achievable goal. However, your mind/body connection can make or break this goal from becoming a reality. Here, Gary Jay and you will use tools and strategies designed to uncover the hidden and sometimes not so hidden feelings, thoughts, and actions that have been interfering with you from being able to get, sustain and enjoy felling more energetic and strength.
Group 3: Getting Better Health
Are you struggling with your health, want to sustain health, or are healthy and want to maintain the edge on life? Wellness coaching with Gary Jay will uses tools and strategies to explore your mind/body connections and expose the hidden roadblocks that have been stopping you for being able to get, hold onto & enjoy sustained health.